Fashion & Costume Design in Quarter Scale
by Don McCunn

CAD/CAM Tips & Tricks

With the discovery of desktop print and cut technology I realize knowledge of specific systems can be the difference between success and abysmal failure of a project. What is prompting me to start this web page is to be able to share what I and others have learned using CAD/CAM systems for prototyping design in quarter and/or half scale.

Silhouette's Studio

Keeping Pattern Lines Separate (10/7/2023)
With Silhouette's Studio software it is easy to import a prepared DXL files. I want to use the CAD functions of Studio to create different designs. When I tried to manipulate the existing pattern, it was a mess. Some lines clinged together while others remained separate. Then I learned what to do to allow any line to be treated separately from any other line. Here are the bread crumbs to fix that issue. This setting needs to be done BEFORE a DXL file is downloaded.

Edit Menu > Preferences > Import > DXF > Join lines into polylines
  Make sure this box is NOT checked.

Cricut's Design Space

Keeping Patterns from Falling Apart (10/7/2023)
Cricut's Design Space can import SVG files from other CAD systems such as Silhouette's Studio Business Edition. When I tried it using the "Make It" function, there was just a jumble of unconnected lines. Fortunately Juanita from my Facebook Group was familiar with CDS and told me how to fix this issue. Here is the sequence to use.

New Project > Upload (bottom left) > Add to Canvas (bottom right) >
  Attach (paper clip, bottom right)

If you would like to add to these Tips & Tricks, submit your suggestions to my Facebook Group.

Copyright © 2023 by Don McCunn