Fashion & Costume Design in Quarter Scale
by Don McCunn

Fitting Accuracy

When you are making a custom Mini-Me, you can verifty the fit by holding the quarter-scale Mini-Me in front of the quarter-scale photo used to create the Mini-Me. By shifting the Mini-Me around a little, you can verify the shape is correct.

Alex with Mini-Me Mini-Me Shifted

The shifted Mini-Me above indicates the side seam is too far away from the contour of the body at the hip level. By measuring, it can be determined that the shape of the side seam needed to be brought in by 1/8" at that level. This means changing the side seams by 1/16" on the front and back patterns. The shaping of the curved portion of the side seam is also too high. It should be dropped to the hip level.

Side Seam Adjusted
Adjusted Side Seams
Side Seam Adjusted

The line drawing above compares the new side seam to the old. As the custom Mini-Me may be scaled up to create a full-size Body Double the full-size side seam has been taken in by 1/4" and the curve has been extended down by 2" creating a very precise fit. This has all been determined by comparing the quarter-scale Mini-Me to the quarter-scale photograph used to create the Mini-Me.

Copyright © 2023 by Don McCunn